Introducing ‘Modern Treatise’s New Editor-In-Chief, Connor Bryant
Om Malik
Modern Treatise has a promoted long-time writer and contributor Connor Bryant to be the new Editor-In-Chief. Bryant will assume this momentous role on October 5th, 2020.
Connor Bryant has worked for Modern Treatise for over three years. From March 2017 to January 2019, he wrote center-right political commentaries for the weekly column, Liberty Exposé. He also contributed to the biweekly National Security column and became the debut writer of Modern Treatise’s first international column, The Globe, which has since expanded to an entire international department with five unique columns. In March 2020, Bryant was promoted to Senior International Editor.
Now, Bryant has been promoted once again, this time to editor-in-chief. Modern Treatise’s publisher and founder, David Nole is excited for Bryant to assume his new role.
"Connor has a proven track record as a contributor and has always assured that Modern Treatise delivers quality content. His ability to find emerging writers and to expand the scope of stories that are featured on the platform is exemplary. When looking toward the future of Modern Treatise, Connor is the perfect embodiment of the brand. Through his leadership, Modern Treatise will continue to grow and provide highly intellectual and relevant content for our readers,” said Nole.
Modern Treatise is a dynamic digital media publication tailored toward high-achieving millennials that provides stimulating content on everything from current affairs and politics to culture and society. Connor Bryant will officially be Modern Treatise’s editor-in-chief as of October 5, 2020, and he will ensure that Modern Treatise continues to provide engaging, quality content for its readers as the brand continues to grow.