A Letter From ‘Modern Treatise’s New Editor-In-Chief
Max di Capua
Modern Treatise recently announced a new editor-in-chief, promoting writer Connor Bryant to the momentous role. Bryant will officially begin his duties as editor-in-chief of the digital publication on October 5, 2020.
Bryant, who has contributed to Modern Treatise for over three years, has written a personal statement to share his vision for the brand and his goals as the new editor-in-chief.
“Journalism is experiencing a crisis. Too much of journalism, especially in the digital realm, is dedicated to confirming biases and framing narratives. Instead of informing, entertaining, and persuading, we are surrounded by a media landscape that aims to anger, incite, and demonize. This clickbait is not worthy of thought or the written word. Now Millennials, the first digital natives, occupy a world where journalism is synonymous with indignation and trends.
Modern Treatise was created to counter this reality. Modern Treatise seeks to pursue intellectualism not as a fashion statement but as a way of life. We strive to craft journalism that serves as an extension of literature, not as an agent of partisanship. As Editor-in-Chief, my goal is to facilitate an environment where that is possible by hosting writers that want to satisfy both their curiosity and yours in the areas of politics, international affairs, culture, economics, business, science, and technology. I invite you to join us as we explore the nuances of the human condition; expound upon the ideas that drive history; and pursue the beauty of the written word,” said Bryant.
Modern Treatise continues to grow and expand, and under his leadership, Bryant will help the brand push the boundaries of journalism, while still providing quality content that promotes intellectualism in the contemporary millennial.